Mission Work
Deaf Action Uganda is an extensive ministry with 19 churches planted across the Country. These churches are supported by a number of evangelists, some of;
Who travel long Distances to minister to the various congregations and preach the word of God to the Deaf people and interested hearing people.
We establish Fellowships and Churches of and for the Deaf.

Training Deaf Church Leaders.
DAU also runs a Bible Training School, located in Kampala, which acts as the main training centre for DMI workers in Africa. Students from surrounding countries study in Uganda before returning to their home countries to continue spreading the Good News in their own communities. We make disciples of the Lord, training Deaf Church leaders to the harvest of souls.

Sponsorship of poor Deaf Children and Youth:

Education for the Deaf is also an issue in our Ministry. DAU is working with other partners to solve this by providing scholarships to Deaf young people to allow them to attend school. We advocate and promote the education of poor Deaf children and Youth in holistic approach.
Deaf Action pays the school fees for Deaf students who are orphans of war or have no direct family to support and care for them. They have shown willingness to study hard at school. There are children and young adults in primary and secondary schools, and some have excelled in their exams and are now studying at College and University.
Deaf Ministries International, our partner organization, started the first secondary school for the Deaf at Wakiso in Uganda.
After completing a college education, past students have become leaders in small Deaf communities in several areas of Uganda over the last fifteen years. These communities support Deaf people and encourage Deaf awareness and signing classes. We now have students who have been supported throughout their education and completed the first part of teacher training to become Deaf teachers of the Deaf. This is an excellent achievement.
Older students who are studying at college or university, or learning a Vocational trade, need interpreters to assist them; and this is expensive. Deaf students in Uganda sit the same government exams as hearing students and the Deaf students at Wakiso Secondary School study very hard to pass their exams. One of our deaf students from Wakiso was featured in a newspaper because of his high score in 2011. They are very dedicated students who will be future leaders of the deaf in Uganda.
Economic Empowerment of Deaf Community and Workers
We empower the Deaf community through accessing credit for the development and sustainability of their lives. The major activities carried out by MREDF Department during the quarter were: business partnership with Hey Honey, supporting the process of group loan applications, support monitoring of Deaf trainees at World Ventured Buwambo, efforts to encourage DMI loan recipients to repay, and supporting visits by DMI.

Business Partnerships
Business partnership between DAU and Hey Honey, as a joint-venture IGA project for DAU

Support Group Loans
This particular pioneer cohort of applicants were invited between 17th and 18th June 2022 hosted by Immanuel Church of the Deaf for orientation on the Group Loan program, and provide with useful knowledge and skills on business and financial literacy to ensure that they use the loans properly, engage in good and sustainable Income generating activities and repay the loans.

Support & Monitor sponsored Interns.
We visit and provide support to the Deaf interns at Ideas Workshop who are actualizing themselves with the world of work and acquiring skills in vocational marketing.

Business Van
The van is one of the major Income Generating projects for DAU. A number of clients from different NGOs and companies have already registered with us to hire the van and promised to support our business.